Siliguri Metropolitan Police have arrested Manoj Chowdhury from the Baishnabnagar police station area in Malda in connection with the tablet scam. Chowdhury was produced before the court in Siliguri today.
Officials from the cyber and detective department arrested Chowdhury following an investigation based on a complaint lodged at the New Jalpaiguri police station. The complaint stated that over 40 students did not receive funds allocated to them by the government in their respective bank accounts.
It is noteworthy that Siliguri police have received over 25 complaints regarding the tab scam and has been investigating the matter over the past few days. This is the first time the police have identified and arrested an individual allegedly involved in the scam.
According to the police, Chowdhury, who was running a customer service point (CSP) of a bank, was involved in withdrawing money tactfully without informing the account holders. He later escalated his operations, allegedly hacking into other consumers’ bank accounts.
Investigations reveal that hackers have been using multiple bank accounts belonging to different consumers. The police are now probing how many consumers may have rented out their bank accounts for fund transfers from other accounts.
Recently, nine individuals were arrested in Siliguri and adjoining areas by police from various districts in connection with the tablet scam.